
   How to exercise while busy at work? Review:- My Honest General Experience!


    People think that if they are too busy with work, then they are not able to exercise, but this is wrong. People who are more busy with work must exercise because their mind will get relief from exercise. If you exercise regularly for 30 minutes, your mind will be refreshed and your body will be strong. 

Shown below is how to exercise according to the busy schedule. By exercising you can freshen your mind and keep your body strong.

   Busy schedule exercise

    Ok, so you're one of those people with just the worst kind of schedule known to mankind.  You get up at 5 a.m. so you can be in the office at 7 a.m. to start your day.  You should go to a parent-teacher meeting at your child's school right after work, then take your child to soccer practice afterwards.  You seem to have days like this almost all the time.  You never seem to have much time to yourself between all the things you need to do each day, so how can you find the time to exercise a part of your day?  Exercise takes time, and time is a luxury you just don't have.

    Well, there is a way to exercise your day and just exercise at your desk.  No, it wasn't a typo.  Here is a little routine that you can do right at your desk.  It doesn't take a long time and while it won't make you a candidate for the next fitness competition, it will give your muscles enough work to stay firm.

    Perform a set of each exercise in order.  Do 10 to 20 repetitions of each exercise and follow with an additional 1 to 2 sets in sequence if time allows.

    Chair crunch:

    Sit up straight in your chair with your feet flat on the floor.  Slowly begin to round your upper back until you feel your abdominal muscles tighten.  Hold the position for 3 to 5 seconds, then return to the starting position.


    Stand in front of your chair.  Sit in a squatting position as if you were sitting in your chair, keeping your weight on your heels and your knees behind your toes.  When you almost touch your chair with your butt, push yourself back into a standing position using your leg muscles.

     Calf lift:

    Stand in front of your desk and put your hands on the desk for balance.  Stand on the soles of your feet.  Hold the position for 3 to 5 seconds, then lower yourself to the floor.

    Pushup desk:

    Stand 4 to 5 feet from your desk and rest your hands on the edge of the desk.  Relax your lower body and using only your arms lower your chest towards the desk and stop when your chest is about 3 to 6 inches away from it.  Then return to the starting position using only your arms.

    Seated triceps lift the back 

    Sit up straight in your chair.  Put your arms at your sides with your palms facing forward.  With your arms narrow and elbows locked, slowly bring your arms back behind you until you feel your tricep muscles tighten.  Hold the position for 3 to 5 seconds, then return your arms to the starting position.

    Seated bicep curls:

    Sit up straight in your chair.  Start with one arm down at your sides, palm facing forward in a fist.  Put your other hand on your fist and push against it for resistance while bringing your fist towards your shoulder.  Once your fist is near your shoulder, lower it to the starting position, maintaining constant resistance with the other hand throughout the movement.  Perform all of the reps for this set, then switch sides and repeat.

    After you complete each exercise for the number of reps and sets you can do, sit down and straighten your legs.  Now gently grab your toes until you feel like you can't go any further, hold for 10 seconds (don't bounce), then return to the starting position.  Then extend your arms out to your sides as far as you can.  Keeping them fully extended, slowly move them forward and cross them as far as you can.  Hold for 10 seconds, then return them to your sides.  Now place your arms above your head as far as possible, hold for 10 seconds, then return them to your sides.


    Taking the time to do this simple but effective exercise routine in the office will help you stay toned and you can do it even on the worst possible schedule, as it can be done on your lunch break while still leaving you plenty of time.  for the lunch.  .  .


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