
    First of all, CONGRATULATIONS! You are having a new baby! Now, on to the serious stuff!

Ok, prepare the potty!

    Go to a neighborhood bookstore and you will discover many books on the subject.  Do a search on the internet and there are many sites with data on how best to do this quietly.  There are even individuals who take advantage of a parent's dissatisfaction to cook the potty by offering to do it for you, for a solid whole!  Honestly, I can't imagine anything other than paying someone to show my kid to "go".

     Instant Love 💘 your baby................

    Ewwww !!!

    So far, I have prepared a jar for 3 children using this strategy.

    I am obviously the jealousy of playgroups when different moms see that my 3 year old has been in white tights for over a year.  My oldest was also 2 years old when he learned the potty.

    As far as I'm concerned, potty preparation starts with a baby For now, don't get me wrong ... I put my angels to bed (unlike local African moms who carry their babies on their backs and, to try not to be dirty, figure out how to read their children's prompts correctly.  so much so that they know when their baby needs to be held over a hedge ... no, I'm totally serious!) However, I've always used layers of material, which makes kids ready to  prepare early.  I'm not a long haired, shoeless, out of The Matrix radical (it's not that there's something wrong, but you'll find me in Doc Martens rather than Birkenstocks!) Yet I do.  .  washable diapers from the start.

    It saved me a lot of money, but I also love how my kids are starting to relate to the awkward wet tilt and the information they can avoid.  Most infants wake up dry in the first part of the day at a fairly late age, which shows that they are really ready to 'hang on'.  In my opinion, Pull Ups are disgusting, but another innovation that some acute financial scholars currently thought the Guardians saw as a need.  In addition to the equation, the child is swinging, etc.  Pull Ups just keep a 5 year old soiled.  Exploration has indicated that infants with soft diapers become familiar with the potty earlier than infants with consumable diapers.

         Instant Love 💘  your baby..........

    So here's Grandma's formula (and I owe it to my mom, like a lot of good things I think about feeding) for simple pot prep, whether you decide not to use layers of material.

    Allow your baby to use the toilet when you go.  That way, they understand what's going on in there.  You don't have to be realistic, just discuss the usefulness of the latrine with them.  If you're a all-day housewife with young children, get daddy to show them how it's over.  You don't need them to feel that if they go to the latrine their supplies will drop, as Mom clearly did.  Curious, but obvious… some toddlers will come to this resolution.

    Buy 3 or 4 of these minimally shaped little plastic pots and place them around the house.  In all cases, one in each bathroom and one in the kitchen or the room where you invest the most energy with your child.  Stick a towel under your rug whenever the youngster is a child.  Talking about young men… you can harness nature here by keeping a receptive attitude.  Anyway, I know a kid who was ready when his mom let him out of the bridge.

    The middle of the year, when your child is the closest to two, needs two days and won't leave home.  Allow your child to move around naked from the waist up, with a large tee shirt on top to keep private parts private.

    Like clockwork, place the unpretentious child on the potty.  Try not to ASK unnecessary requests such as "Do you need to go honeypot !?"  We are looking to manage a two year old here!  Act like it's the activity and don't ask for consent.  Try not to coerce him / her, and in the event that he / she needs to get along immediately, let the person in question.

    If you have a safe child, set a clock to go off at regular intervals.  It's amazing what a youngster will do when the dynamics of strength are removed.  When the "pot pendulum" goes off, this is the perfect opportunity to sit on the pot!

    Use cheers, but don't go overboard.  Act like it's normal.  Be cool.  Say "You put a peepee in the pot, kinda like mom and dad (and an older brother, and your more established playmate ... strangers are golden here !!).

    Try not to overemphasize what's going on.  Try not to spend hours browsing the pot preparing books or recordings for the youngster.  Again, be cool.  If you make it serious, your child will be forced to dive in and resist.

    Have "oversized kids 'shorts" or "young girls' underwear" that you realize your child will like, maybe you picked together, prepared for the end of the two days.  Your child will be more reluctant to have accidents if they destroy their new underwear.

    When the inevitable accidents happen, don't chastise.  Be tolerant and charitable.  It is essential for the job.  Remember, whether you choose to get into carpet cleaning, you will always beat the competition if you don't need to buy diapers for an extra year or two!

Instant Access Love 💘 your baby..........

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